智能电表通过多种有线和无线网络传输电表数据,使电力公司能够准确地实时监控电力使用情况。电力公司通过这样的实时数据,监控使用量,检测异常情况,从而提高效率并降低成本。由于智能电表需要连续记录数据,因此需要高耐用性的内存。此外,随着OTA(Over The Air:通过无线通信进行S/W升级)功能的加入,内存的快速写入速度变得更加重要。MRAM是最理想的存储器,能够同时满足智能电表对高耐久性和快...
SOT-MRAM (spin-orbit torque MRAM) has the potential to challenge STT-MRAM, as it is a faster, denser and much more efficient memory technology.SOT-MRAM devices feature switching of the free magneti...
STT-MRAMSTT-MRAM (also called STT-RAM or sometimes ST-MRAM and ST-RAM) is an advanced type of MRAM devices. STT-MRAM enables higher densities, low power consumption and reduced cost compared to reg...
MRAM (Magnetic RAM) is a memory technology that uses electron spin to store information (an MRAM device is a Spintronics device). MRAM has the potential to become a universal memory - able to combi...